Rule 1 Eligibility:Every must be the legal age of 18 years old. Any player under the age of 18 will be immediately removed from Team and Playoff Roster. Final Roster changes must be made prior to Week 2 Games.
Rule 2: Asians, Non Asians: What is considered Asian? Asians is anyone who is a native of Asian decent from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, North / South Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand & Vietnam. Non-Asian: is any player who is not a native of Asian decent from one of the countries listed above. Mixed-Asians are considered eligible as Asians. Mixed-Asians must present legal birth certificate containing their Asian decent and are at least 50%. Mixed-Asians must bring proof of ethnicity to every game in the case an opposing team inquires for it.
Rule 3: Non-Asians / Height Restriction: Max 1 non-asian Non-Asians must be 6'3" or under without shoes in order to be eligible. Any player can be measured for height at any point of the game, if a player is over our restricted height limit, player will be disqualified for that game. Wild Card*: Each team can have 1 non-asian over the age of 40 years old and under 6'3. Must provide proof.
Rule 4: Team Roster / Eligibility: Each team is required to have at least 6 players and a maximum of 12 players on their roster. Each team is required to list every player with their age, height, and ethnicity. Each player is required to bring photo I.D. to verify that they are on the roster. Roster Changes must be made before Week 2 games. Players must play 3 games in the Regular Season to qualify for Playoff Roster.
Rule 5: Protesting: During the regular season no protest will be accepted once the clock has expired and the game is deemed final. However, at anytime during the game the opposing Captain or Co-Captain can request the scorekeeper to or check the ID of any player on the opposing team. Upon a dead ball the scorekeeper will check the ID of the player in question. The scorekeeper will then immediately contact the league director by phone to verify that the player is listed on the team roster. The player in question may not re-enter the game until his status has been verified by the league director. Without an I.D. the player in question may not re-enter the game. The player in question will have the remaining time left on the game clock to furnish a picture ID. If the player in question is unable to furnish a picture ID before the game is deemed final, all points scored by that player will be deducted. The team with the higher total will receive the win. If the player in question is found to be illegal, his team will forfeit the game with the opposing team receiving the win. All points scored by the player in question will not count. During the playoffs, the same procedure above will apply with the opposing advancing to the next round if necessary.
Rule 6:Sign-In/Score-sheet: Every Captain is required to sign in each player eligible to play on game night. Any points scored by a player not listed on the score sheet will not be counted.
Rule 7: Jerseys: Each player is required to use light colored jerseys if they are listed as a home team and dark colored jerseys if they are the guest team. All players are required to have easily visible number listed on the back side of the jersey. One member of the team is allowed to wear a matching t-shirt and will be issued 00. No exceptions. Players may not switch jerseys with other players during the game. Guest and Home teams will be noted on the schedule portion of the website before every game. Player with the same number will be assessed a technical.
Rule 8:Uniform/Jewelry/Eye-wear: Every player must use Basketball Attire at all time while playing. The commissioner will have final authority on what is and what is not basketball attire. Absolutely no jewelery is allowed during games. Sports Goggles is the only piece of eye wear allowed.
Rule 9: Playing for (2) or more teams: A player may choose to play on more than one team within the same conference/division. A player can be added to a maximum of 3 rosters. However, if a player playing on more that one team should meet his other team head to head he is allowed to play for only one team. Teams with players that are on multiple teams will run the risk of scheduling conflicts of game times.
Rule 10: Forfeit / Points: It will be an automatic loss for teams who forfeit a game. 30 dollar forfeit bond will not be returned at the end of the season. Winning team will receive a win and +20 on point differential. Losing team will receive -20 on point differential.
Rule 11: Official Scoring (Protesting): Any scoring protest within the game must be brought to the attention of the scorekeeper by the Team Captain only. Simply, ask the referee for an official timeout, and give your protest to the scorekeeper in a respectful manner.
Rule 12: Blood: Any player bleeding, must leave the game immediately. The player may return to the game once the bleeding has stopped and has been checked by the Referee. Clothes that contains blood must be removed or replaced before entering the game.
Rule 13: Conduct: Team Players, Coaches, and fans must always conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Bad/Hostile Conduct is not allowed in ABS. Teams, Coaches, and Fans who cannot conduct themselves in a respectful manner will be immediately escorted out of the gym, with their team subject to forfeiting the game.
Rule 14: Team Bench: Only (suited) players on the Roster are allowed on the Team Bench. There is no exception. There will be a warning, then a technical foul, and if the problem still exist, the team will forfeit the game.
Rule 15: Technical foul, Un-sportsmanlike act or Flagrant foul: All technical fouls, taunting and Flagrant fouls will be reviewed by the commissioner. If a player has a technical foul, the player must sit out for 2:00 game time. Any suspensions or expulsions from the league will be rendered upon further review by the commissioner. All of this non-sense is not tolerated by ABS.
Rule16: Referee: No physical contact is allowed with ABS Referees. Any Referee abuse will be subject to technical fouls, ejections, suspensions, or league expulsions.
Rule 17: Under the Influence: There is absolutely no drugs or alcohol allowed in the gym. Any player suspected of being under the influence will be immediately be ejected from the gym.
Rule 18: Fighting / Taunting / Mocking: No fighting or taunting of any kind is allowed. Players involved in any fight will be immediately ejected from the game. Ejection from the game will result in one or more game suspensions including possible expulsion from the league / post season depending on the severity of the players' actions. Team Captains will be forced to sit out one game if a fight occurs. Players may not taunt or mock officials, scorekeepers or other players during or after the game.
Rule 19: Refunds: Full Refunds will only be made prior to the season starting. Partial Refunds will be given to the amount of games left in the season. A Refund of 30 dollars will be given for each game.
Rule 20: Power Rankings/Post-Season Format/Prizes: Teams will be ranked in accordance to their Win Loss Record, then by Point Differential. If these two categories are equal then tie breaker will be total points scored for the season. All teams will make a post season playoff. Champions will receive a Championship Trophy, Championship T-shirts, and half off of Registration Fees.
In Game Rules
Rule 1: Signing in Prior to the Game
Team captains are required and responsible to sign in each player for the first 2 weeks. By Week 3 rosters are finalized and provided for every team. Names on these score sheets are final, and team will no longer be able to add players.
Rule 2: Warming Up
Side Courts will be available throughout the gym for warmup. After each game, 2 minutes will be allotted for warm up for teams that are next.
Rule 3: Start of the Game
Games will start at center court with a tip off after the two minutes have expired. Team-Captains will be responsible for their teams readiness.
Rule 4: Regular Season & Post Season
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves with a 1 minute break in between. Clock stoppage will occur at 2 minutes before the end of the game if point differential is 8 or less. 2 Min overtime. Double Overtime First to 5 points. Each team has 2 one minute timeouts each for the game and an extra timeout to stop clock only. Only active players on the floor can call timeouts and must be addressed to a referee. To be eligible for your team's Playoff Roster, Player must play in 3 regular season games.
Rule 5: Late Penalization and Forfeits
Each team is required to have at least 4 players on the court. 1 point is awarded to the team that is ready every minute the opposing team is late. If the team cannot reach at least 4 players by the end of the 1st half, the opposing team will receive the win.
Rule 2: Asians, Non Asians: What is considered Asian? Asians is anyone who is a native of Asian decent from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, North / South Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand & Vietnam. Non-Asian: is any player who is not a native of Asian decent from one of the countries listed above. Mixed-Asians are considered eligible as Asians. Mixed-Asians must present legal birth certificate containing their Asian decent and are at least 50%. Mixed-Asians must bring proof of ethnicity to every game in the case an opposing team inquires for it.
Rule 3: Non-Asians / Height Restriction: Max 1 non-asian Non-Asians must be 6'3" or under without shoes in order to be eligible. Any player can be measured for height at any point of the game, if a player is over our restricted height limit, player will be disqualified for that game. Wild Card*: Each team can have 1 non-asian over the age of 40 years old and under 6'3. Must provide proof.
Rule 4: Team Roster / Eligibility: Each team is required to have at least 6 players and a maximum of 12 players on their roster. Each team is required to list every player with their age, height, and ethnicity. Each player is required to bring photo I.D. to verify that they are on the roster. Roster Changes must be made before Week 2 games. Players must play 3 games in the Regular Season to qualify for Playoff Roster.
Rule 5: Protesting: During the regular season no protest will be accepted once the clock has expired and the game is deemed final. However, at anytime during the game the opposing Captain or Co-Captain can request the scorekeeper to or check the ID of any player on the opposing team. Upon a dead ball the scorekeeper will check the ID of the player in question. The scorekeeper will then immediately contact the league director by phone to verify that the player is listed on the team roster. The player in question may not re-enter the game until his status has been verified by the league director. Without an I.D. the player in question may not re-enter the game. The player in question will have the remaining time left on the game clock to furnish a picture ID. If the player in question is unable to furnish a picture ID before the game is deemed final, all points scored by that player will be deducted. The team with the higher total will receive the win. If the player in question is found to be illegal, his team will forfeit the game with the opposing team receiving the win. All points scored by the player in question will not count. During the playoffs, the same procedure above will apply with the opposing advancing to the next round if necessary.
Rule 6:Sign-In/Score-sheet: Every Captain is required to sign in each player eligible to play on game night. Any points scored by a player not listed on the score sheet will not be counted.
Rule 7: Jerseys: Each player is required to use light colored jerseys if they are listed as a home team and dark colored jerseys if they are the guest team. All players are required to have easily visible number listed on the back side of the jersey. One member of the team is allowed to wear a matching t-shirt and will be issued 00. No exceptions. Players may not switch jerseys with other players during the game. Guest and Home teams will be noted on the schedule portion of the website before every game. Player with the same number will be assessed a technical.
Rule 8:Uniform/Jewelry/Eye-wear: Every player must use Basketball Attire at all time while playing. The commissioner will have final authority on what is and what is not basketball attire. Absolutely no jewelery is allowed during games. Sports Goggles is the only piece of eye wear allowed.
Rule 9: Playing for (2) or more teams: A player may choose to play on more than one team within the same conference/division. A player can be added to a maximum of 3 rosters. However, if a player playing on more that one team should meet his other team head to head he is allowed to play for only one team. Teams with players that are on multiple teams will run the risk of scheduling conflicts of game times.
Rule 10: Forfeit / Points: It will be an automatic loss for teams who forfeit a game. 30 dollar forfeit bond will not be returned at the end of the season. Winning team will receive a win and +20 on point differential. Losing team will receive -20 on point differential.
Rule 11: Official Scoring (Protesting): Any scoring protest within the game must be brought to the attention of the scorekeeper by the Team Captain only. Simply, ask the referee for an official timeout, and give your protest to the scorekeeper in a respectful manner.
Rule 12: Blood: Any player bleeding, must leave the game immediately. The player may return to the game once the bleeding has stopped and has been checked by the Referee. Clothes that contains blood must be removed or replaced before entering the game.
Rule 13: Conduct: Team Players, Coaches, and fans must always conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Bad/Hostile Conduct is not allowed in ABS. Teams, Coaches, and Fans who cannot conduct themselves in a respectful manner will be immediately escorted out of the gym, with their team subject to forfeiting the game.
Rule 14: Team Bench: Only (suited) players on the Roster are allowed on the Team Bench. There is no exception. There will be a warning, then a technical foul, and if the problem still exist, the team will forfeit the game.
Rule 15: Technical foul, Un-sportsmanlike act or Flagrant foul: All technical fouls, taunting and Flagrant fouls will be reviewed by the commissioner. If a player has a technical foul, the player must sit out for 2:00 game time. Any suspensions or expulsions from the league will be rendered upon further review by the commissioner. All of this non-sense is not tolerated by ABS.
Rule16: Referee: No physical contact is allowed with ABS Referees. Any Referee abuse will be subject to technical fouls, ejections, suspensions, or league expulsions.
Rule 17: Under the Influence: There is absolutely no drugs or alcohol allowed in the gym. Any player suspected of being under the influence will be immediately be ejected from the gym.
Rule 18: Fighting / Taunting / Mocking: No fighting or taunting of any kind is allowed. Players involved in any fight will be immediately ejected from the game. Ejection from the game will result in one or more game suspensions including possible expulsion from the league / post season depending on the severity of the players' actions. Team Captains will be forced to sit out one game if a fight occurs. Players may not taunt or mock officials, scorekeepers or other players during or after the game.
Rule 19: Refunds: Full Refunds will only be made prior to the season starting. Partial Refunds will be given to the amount of games left in the season. A Refund of 30 dollars will be given for each game.
Rule 20: Power Rankings/Post-Season Format/Prizes: Teams will be ranked in accordance to their Win Loss Record, then by Point Differential. If these two categories are equal then tie breaker will be total points scored for the season. All teams will make a post season playoff. Champions will receive a Championship Trophy, Championship T-shirts, and half off of Registration Fees.
In Game Rules
Rule 1: Signing in Prior to the Game
Team captains are required and responsible to sign in each player for the first 2 weeks. By Week 3 rosters are finalized and provided for every team. Names on these score sheets are final, and team will no longer be able to add players.
Rule 2: Warming Up
Side Courts will be available throughout the gym for warmup. After each game, 2 minutes will be allotted for warm up for teams that are next.
Rule 3: Start of the Game
Games will start at center court with a tip off after the two minutes have expired. Team-Captains will be responsible for their teams readiness.
Rule 4: Regular Season & Post Season
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves with a 1 minute break in between. Clock stoppage will occur at 2 minutes before the end of the game if point differential is 8 or less. 2 Min overtime. Double Overtime First to 5 points. Each team has 2 one minute timeouts each for the game and an extra timeout to stop clock only. Only active players on the floor can call timeouts and must be addressed to a referee. To be eligible for your team's Playoff Roster, Player must play in 3 regular season games.
Rule 5: Late Penalization and Forfeits
Each team is required to have at least 4 players on the court. 1 point is awarded to the team that is ready every minute the opposing team is late. If the team cannot reach at least 4 players by the end of the 1st half, the opposing team will receive the win.